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北京北京 2021-07-30

一、合同编号: (略)

二、合同名称: 中国信通院重大科研基础平台-5GB5G毫米波空口测试验证系统(一期)购置项目-(略)

三、项目编号: (略)TJ001/19

四、项目名称: 中国信通院重大科研基础平台-5G/B5G毫米波空口测试验证系统(一期)购置项目-频谱仪升级等采购项目(第2包)


采购人(甲方): (略)

地 址: (略)


供应商(乙方):Keysight Technologies Singapore(Sales)Pte. Ltd.

地 址:No.1 Yishun Ave 7, Singapore (略)







合同金额: (略)


采购方式: (略)

七、合同签订日期: (略)

八、合同公告日期: (略)



  • (略)中国信通院重大科研基础平台-5G/B5G毫米波空口测试验证系统(一期)购置项目-频谱仪升级等采购项目(第2包)中标公告


  • 中国信通院重大科研基础平台-5GB5G毫米波空口测试验证系统(一期)购置项目-(略).pdf

(略) 1 (略) 项目名称(name of project): 中国信通院重大科研基础平台-5G/B5G毫米波空口测试验证系统(一期)购置项目 ((略) ) 进口设备采购合同 Import Equipments Purchase Contract 合同编号/Contract No.: (略) 招标编号:0708-2140070TJ001/19包2 买 方/The Buyer:(略) China Academy of Information and Communications Technology 买方代理/The Buyer’s Agent:**中关村世纪科贸发展有限公司 BEIJING CENTERGATE CENTURY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 卖 方/The Seller : Keysight Technologies Singapore(Sales)Pte. Ltd. (略) 2 合同号/Contract No.: (略) 签约地点:中国,** Signing place: Beijing, China 买方:(略) 地址:(略) (以下称为“买方”) The Buyer: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Address: No.40, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District,Beijing100191,P.R.China 买方代理:**中关村世纪科贸发展有限公司 地址:**市东**东直门内北小街2号楼1715号 (以下称为“买方代理”) The Buyer’s Agent: BEIJING CENTERGATE CENTURY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. Address: Room 1715, No.2 Building, Beixiaojie, Dongzhimennei, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 卖方/The Seller: Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte. Ltd. 地址/Address: No.1 Yishun Ave 7, Singapore 768923 (以下称为“卖方”) 卖方银行信息/The Seller’s Bank Information: Beneficiary: Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 201400782D) Address: No.1 Yishun Ave 7, Singapore 768923 Bank-Name: CITIBANK N.A. Address: 8 MARINA VIEW #16-01 ASIA SQUARE TOWER 1 SINGAPORE 018960 Account Name: Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte. Ltd. Account No.: 0858158125 Swift Code: CITISGSG 各方本着平等互惠的原则,通过友好协商,现授权各自的代表按照下述条款签署本合同。 The Buyer、Buyer’s Agent and the Seller, through friendly negotiations and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, agreed to authorize their representatives to sign this Equipment Supply Contract under the terms and the conditions stipulated herewith. (略) 3 一、合同标的/Contract Content: 买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售下列设备: The seller agrees to sell the following commodity as shown in the list below: 买卖双方同意附件中各项条款为合同不可分割的部分,并与本合同具有同等效力。若附件与合同正文有任何不一致,以合同正文为准。合同中贸易术语(CIP)的定义以国际商会2010年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS2010)的规定为准。 The Buyer and The Seller two parties agree all attachments are the integral part of the Contract and have the same force. In the event of any inconsistency between the Contract and Attachment(s), the Contract shall prevail. CIP terms according to Incoterms 2010. 二、原产地和生产商:美国/是德科技 Country of Origin and Manufacturers: USA/Keysight Inc 三、包装/Packing: Line 序号 Brand 品牌 Specification 规格型号 Product Description 商品名称 Unit Price 单价(USD) Qty. 数量 Extended price 总价(USD) 1 Keysight (略) Millimeter wave test controller 毫米波测试控制器 32,741.88 1 SET 32,741.88 2 Keysight N5293AX01 110 GHz frequency extender 110GHZ频率扩展器 68,278.04 2 SET 136,556.08 3 Keysight 85059B Precision calibration kit, 1 mm 1mm接口精密校准件 21,103.46 1 SET 21,103.46 4 Keysight U8489A Power Sensor; USB thermocouple, 1mm coaxial 1mm同轴功率计 8,298.58 1 SET 8,298.58 TOTAL USD (CIP BEIJING) 198,700.00 总价:CIP **,USD 198,700.00 Detail as Attachment / 详见附件 (略) 4 所有合同设备应进行坚固包装使其适于长途空运、内陆运输,及反复装卸和操作。卖方应根据货物特点和要求采取保护措施使其免受雨水,潮湿,震荡和撞击的损坏,以使其在正常装卸和操作条件下货物能够安全无损坏地抵达安装现场。如果因为卖方在发货前未采取适当的包装和/或不充分的保护措施而造成货物的损坏或丢失,卖方负责修理、更换受损或丢失的货物或进行补充,由此发生的相关费用由卖方自行承担。 All the goods shall be packed in strong case(s) or carton(s), suitable for long distance air and inland transportations to the installation site, and well protected against repeated handling, numerous loading and unloading. The Sellers shall take protective measures to prevent the equipment from been damaged by moisture, rain, shock and corrosion in terms of the characteristics and requirements of the various items of the goods so as to ensure safe arrival of the goods at the site for installation without any damage. Should the goods be damaged or lost due to the Sellers’ improper packing and/or inadequate protective measures before shipment, the Sellers are responsible for the repair, replacement or supply of the damaged or lost equipment,and all related fees arising therefrom shall be borne by the seller. 木质包装应该标有IPPC标识以证明经过国际认证的熏蒸处理。 One original statement issued by seller, indicating the wooden materials of package have been heat treated by the authorized parties in exporting country, and marked "IPPC" on the package. 同时,箱内应包括一份与该箱对应的注明合同号的装箱单。 One set of Packing List with Contract No. shall be enclosed in the case(s). 四、唛头/Shipping Mark: 卖方应根据货物的特点及其对装卸操作的要求在包装箱显著位置以英文或中文标明“保持干燥”、“小心轻放”、“此面向上”等字样或国际惯用图示。同时应在包装箱四个相邻面以持久涂料在显著位置用英文或中文标注以下文字: The Sellers shall mark on the four adjacent sides of each package with fadeless paint the wordings like KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE, HANDLE WITH CARE, THIS SIDE UP according to the character of goods and requirement of loading and unloading in Chinese or English or international habitual icons, and the following items: (A)合同号Contract No.: (略) (B)唛头Shipping Mark: (略) BEIJING,CHINA (C)收货人Consignee: BEIJING CENTERGATE CENTURY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. (D)目的机场Destination Airport: Beijing Capital International Airport, P.R.China (E)毛重(公斤)Gross Weight(kg): (略) 5 (F)长、宽、高(厘米)Length, width, height(cm): (G)该箱在装箱单内的序号Case No. in Package list: 五、交货时间:合同签署后140个日历日 Time of delivery: 140 Calendar Days after contract signed 六、发货机场:槟城国际机场,马来西亚 Airport of delivery: Penang International Airport,Malaysia 七、到货机场:**首都国际机场,中国 Airport of destination: Beijing Capital International Airport, P.R.China 八、保险/Insurance: 由卖方以买方为受益人,以发票金额百分之一百一十(110%)投保一切险和战争险。 The insurance should be covered by the Seller in favor of the Buyer for 110% invoice value covering all risks and war risk. 九、支付条款/Payment: 本合同项下所列款项由买方委托买方代理通过其指定的银行和卖方选择的银行以美元向卖方支付,但买方代理不承担因买方未及时将款项汇入买方代理账号而引起的对卖方迟延付款的违约责任。若买方及时将款项汇入买方代理账号后,因买方代理未能及时将款项支付给卖方,买方代理须承担对卖方延迟付款的违约责任。 在买方国内所发生的一切银行费用由买方负担,买方国外所发生的一切银行费用由卖方负担。合同标的中确定的合同总价由买方通过买方代理向卖方以如下方式支付: All the payment to be made by the Buyer’s Agent authorized by the Buyer in favor of the Seller under this Contract shall be effected in USD through a bank in China chosen by the Buyer’s Agent and a bank outside, chosen by the Seller. However, the Buyer’s Agent is unable to assume liability for breach of contract which the delay payments to the Seller due to the Buyer does not timely payments into the Buyer’s Agent account. If the buyer promptly remit money to the buyer's agent account, the buyer’s agent failed to timely payment to the seller, the buyer's agent shall bear liability for breach of contract to the seller delays in payment. All the bank charges incurred inside Buyer’s country shall be borne by the Buyer, whereas all the bank charges incurred outside the Buyer’s country shall be borne by the Sellers. The total (略) 6 Contract price as set forth in the Contract shall be paid by the Buyer’s Agent through the Buyer to the Seller in the following manner: 9.1 发货付款: 买方代理通过其指定的银行将合同总价的80%,即美元158,960.00,由买方代理通过不可撤销、不可转让的即期信用证方式向卖方支付。买方代理在收到卖方发出的发货通知后,至少在卖方通知的最迟装运日期前15天在买方代理指定的银行开立一份以卖方为受益人的不可撤销、不可转让的即期信用证,其金额为合同总价的80%。 80% of the total Contract value, that is USD158,960.00, shall be paid by the Buyer’s Agent to the Seller under an Irrevocable Non-transferable Letter of Credit at sight. The Buyer’s Agent shall, upon receipt from the Seller of the notification of the goods readiness for shipment, open an Irrevocable Non-transferable L/C at sight with the Buyer’s Agents’ bank in favor of the Seller for 80% of the Contract price, at least 15 days prior to the shipment. 该信用证将凭卖方开出的,提示给开证行的金额为合同总价的80%的即期汇票以及下列单据议付: The L/C shall be payable against Sellers’ draft(s) drawn at sight on the Opening Bank for 80% of the Contract price, accompanied by the shipping documents as follows: 1)航空运单,一份原件和两份副本;运单上应标明“运费付讫”,合同号,唛头,交付并通知买方代理; Airway Bill in one original and two copies, marked “Freight Prepaid”, Contract No., Shipping Mark, and consigned to and notify the Buyer’s Agent. 2)标明合同号、买方信息、买方代理信息、价格术语和唛头,金额为合同总价100%的商业发票,三份原件; Commercial Invoice in three originals, indicating Contract No., the information of the Buyer and the Buyer’s Agent, Price Terms and Shipping Marks, for 100% of the Contract price. 3)由卖方签发的详细装箱单,三份原件; Packing List in details, three (3) originals issued by the Sellers. 4)由生产厂商签发的质量和数量证明书,一份原件和两份副本; Certificate of Quality and Quantity in one (1) original and two (2) copies issued by the manufacturers. 5)货物装运后48小时内发给买方代理的一封通知装运细节的传真; A copy of fax to the Buyer’s Agent advising the shipment details within 48 hours after the shipment. 6)保险单正本一份,副本一份; (略) 7 One original and one copy of Insurance policy. 7)原产地证明,二份正本。 Certificate of Origin in two (2) originals. 8)在非木质包装情况下由生产厂商出具的无木质包装声明,一正一副,木质包装在外包装上需有IPPC标示。 Non-wooden Material Declaration in 1 original and 1 copy issued by the Manufacturer or Wooden Package Certificate Certifying IPPC Mark Appeared on the out Packing Material. 买方代理将在卖方提交上述单据后进行付款。 Payment will be effected against presentation of the aforesaid draft(s) and documents. 9.2 验收后付款: 到货30天内完成终验,并在收到验收报告后10日内由买方代理以T/T方式支付给卖方合同总金额的20%,即美元39,740.00。 卖方应向买方代理提交下列文件作为支付依据 : 1) 标明合同号、买方信息、买方代理信息、价格术语和唛头,金额为合同总价100%的商业发票,三份原件; 2) 由买方和卖方签字的验收单,一份副本。 20% TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE USD39,740.00 shall be paid from the Buyer’s Agent to the seller by T/T within 10 working days after the acceptance report which should be signed within 30 working days after arrival date. The seller shall present the following documents to the Buyer’s Agent for negotiation: 1)Commercial Invoice in three originals, indicating Contract No., the information of the Buyer and the Buyer’s Agent, Price Terms and Shipping Marks, for 100% of the Contract price; 2)One (1) Copy of Final Check and Acceptance Report signed by Buyer and Seller. 9.3 根据合同第十六条的规定,卖方有赔偿和/或支付违约金的责任,则买方代理有权从上述付款中扣除相关金额。 Should the Seller is liable for compensations and/or penalty in accordance with the stipulations of Clause 16 of the Contract, the Buyer’s Agent is entitled to deduct the relevant amount from the above mentioned payment. 十、税务/Taxes: 10.1 买方将承担中国有关机构根据中国税务法律向其征收的所有与合同执行有关的税务。 (略) 8 All taxes in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied on the Buyer’s Agent by the relevant Authorities in China in accordance with the Chinese tax laws in effect shall be paid by the Buyer. 10.2 中国政府根据中国税法和中国政府与卖方国家政府之间签订的避免所得税双重征税及防止偷漏税的协定对卖方征收的与执行合同有关的一切税费,均应由卖方按照合同专用条款的规定负担。 All taxes and duties levied by Chinese government on the Seller, in connection with and in the performance of the Contract, according to Chinese tax laws and the agreement between the government of the People’s Republic of China and the government of the Seller’s country for the reciprocal avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, shall be borne by the Seller. 10.3 中国境外产生的一切与合同执行有关的税务由卖方承担。 Taxes in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied outside China shall be paid by the Seller. 十一、发货和发货条款/Shipment: 11.1 合同设备将按第五款、第六款和第七款规定的时间及地点发货,不允许分运和转运。 The Seller shall ship the goods within the shipment time from the port of shipment as per the Clauses 5, 6 and 7. Partial shipment and transshipment is not allowed. 11.2 所有设备应成套空运,如有其特殊安装工具材料和易磨损部件,应与相关设备一同发出。如有需一同发运的仪表和材料,卖方负责对其进行适当的包装并采取特别保护措施。 The goods are to be dispatched in completion by airfreight. The special installation tools and materials and easy-wearable parts, if any, shall be shipped with the relevant equipment together. The Sellers shall provide proper packaging and protective measures. 卖方在发货机场发货后两个工作日之内应通过传真或电子邮件方式将以下内容通知买方代理: 空运运单号和日期,航班号,设备的中英文名称,总价格,总重量,总体积,总箱数及合同号;并应向买方代理发送英文的商业发票、空运单、装箱单和包装声明各一份(或其他适当文件)以方便买方代理清关。以上英文清关单据必须包括合同号、价格术语,发票清单必须与合同英文清单一致。如果卖方不通知或通知不及时造成的包括但不限于仓储费、滞期费等均由卖方承担。 (略) 9 The Sellers shall, within 2 workdays after the shipment, advise by fax or email the Buyer’s Agent of the AWB No., shipping date, flight number, commodity name, total value, total weights, total dimensions, total package number and the Contract No. ,and provide the Buyer’s Agent the copy invoice, commercial invoice, AWB, packing list and packing material certificate for the Buyer’s Agent to clear the Customs. The aforementioned documents shall include Contract No., Price Terms. The equipment and price list of the invoice must be in accordance with the English Contract. The Seller shall bear including but is not only restricted in storage fee and demurrage charge incurred in case the Buyer’s Agent cannot clear the Customs in time due to that the Seller fails to inform or inform lately or the documents made by the Seller are not in accordance with the English Contract. 11.3 买方指定买方代理为合同货物代收方,卖方在发货机场将合同设备交付发运以后,将一套完整的货运单据副本,即:空运单,商业发票,装箱单,包装证明和质量数量证书各一份寄至买方代理。 The buyer appoints the buyer's agent as the consignee of the contract goods, after the Seller delivers the contract equipment at the delivery Airport. One set of complete shipping documents, including one copy of AWB, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Plant Quarantine and Quality & Quantity Certificate shall be dispatched to the Buyer’s Agent upon shipment. 11.4 若在开箱检验中发现漏发货,卖方负责于收到缺货通知后20天内自费将所漏发的货物运至用户现场。 Should any short delivery have been found in the unpacking inspection the Seller shall make the supplementary delivery, at his own expenses, to the sites within 20 days after receipt of the Buyer’s Agents’ notification. 十二、检验和测试/Inspection and Testing: 12.1 卖方保证合同设备的质量和按时执行。 The Seller guarantees the quality of the ordered equipment and will carry out the contract as scheduled. 12.2 对卖方所提供的合同设备和技术文件的开箱检验将在买方指定的场地进行。双方同意如有必要,将邀请中华人民**国国家市场监督管理总局(“SAMR”)参加开箱检验。买方将根据卖方提供的装箱单检查货物的外观和数量,并加电检测。卖方有权派代表到现场参加开箱检验。买方/买方代理应至少在开箱检验前七天将检验日期通知卖方,卖方应尽快确认。 (略) 10 The packages opening and inspections on the equipment and technical documents provided by the Sellers shall be made on the site of the Buyer. Both sides agree, if necessary, the State Administration for Market Regulation of the P.R.O.C (“SAMR”) shall be invited to attend the inspection. The Buyer shall inspect the appearances and quantities of the equipment according to the Packing List, and power on the equipment for test. The Sellers have the right to send representative(s) to the site to attend the inspection. The Buyer or the Buyer’s Agent shall, at least 7 days prior to the inspection, notify the Seller of the inspection data, and the Seller shall response as soon as possible. 12.3 如果开箱检验合格,双方将签署开箱检验合格证书。如果在联合开箱检验中发现货物有任何短少、缺损、缺陷或与合同规定不符,双方代表(及中华人民**国国家市场监督管理总局代表,如果在场)将签署一份详细报告。该报告将作为买方/买方代理在卖方有责任的情况下要求卖方进行更换,修理或补充发货的有效证据。 An inspection certificate shall be signed by the both sides when the inspection is qualified. Should the quantity or specifications be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract, a report in details shall be signed by both sides and the representative of SAMR if who attended the inspection. The report so issued shall be accepted as the base of a claim. The Seller shall be responsible for replacement, repairing the equipment, and/or make-up the short-delivery. 如果卖方代表不能在买方/买方代理通知的日期参加上述检验,买方代理有权向中华人民**国国家市场监督管理总局(“SAMR”)申请商检。如果检验中发现货物有任何短少、缺损、缺陷或与合同规定不符,且责任在卖方,买方/买方代理将把SAMR签发的检验报告作为要求卖方进行更换,修理或补充发货的有效证据。 If the Sellers cannot attend the inspection arranged by the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent, the Buyer’s Agent have the right to apply to SAMR for inspection. Should the quantity or specifications be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract, and on the Sellers’ responsibility, the Buyer the Buyer’s Agent have the right to claim for replacement of new goods, elimination of the defect(s) and/or re-shipment of the short-delivery supported by the inspection certificate issued by SAMR. 如果卖方负有责任,则上述检验中所发生的一切费用,包括SAMR的商检费用,额外的运输费用等,将由卖方负责承担。同时,卖方将尽快进行补发或对仪表进行修理。 If the responsibility on the Sellers, all the expenses, such as inspection charges, extra freights for returning the goods and for sending the replacement, etc. shall be borne by the Sellers. Meanwhile the Sellers shall re-ship the missing goods and repair the equipment as soon as possible. (略) 11 如果在联合开箱检验中发现因买方代理和/或买方的原因造成合同仪表损坏,卖方应在接到买方代理和/或买方通知后进行相应更换或补发,费用由买方代理和/或买方负担。 If the damages are found due to the Buyer’s Agent and/or the Buyer during the inspection, the Sellers should make necessary replacements and/or re-shipment of the goods concerned after receiving notice from the Buyer’s Agent and/or the Buyer at the Buyer’s Agent account. 12.4 测试由买方按附件一、附件二中的有关规定进行,卖方提供必要的配合。如果测试结果符合要求,双方将签署一份验收证书。 The Testing should be executed by end-user according to Attachment 1 and 2. The Seller should provide necessary assistance. Both parties will sign an Acceptance Certificate in case that the testing result complies with the technical requirement. 十三、品质保证保修/Guarantee of Quality/Warranty Repair: 卖方保证其向买方提供的合同设备所用材料为最好的,工艺为一流的,设备为全新、完整、未使用过的,并且保证其性能和质量与合同规定相符。卖方所提供合同整机硬件设备的保修期为从终验合格之日起原厂保修36个月,软件服务期为终验合格之日起12个月,验收应于货到后30个工作日内完成。 The Sellers guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new and unused and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this Contract. The Warranty Period provided by the Sellers for the contractual goods shall be 36 months for machine Hardware and 12 months for software counting from the date on which the goods get the final Check and Acceptance Certificate by the End user. The Acceptance shall be done within 30 working days after the goods arrive at customer destination. 卖方保证其所提供的产品不存在所有权和知识产权上的瑕疵。如果由于上述瑕疵使买方被任何权利人提出索赔要求或者蒙受其他损失,卖方应出面解决并承担全部赔偿责任。 The seller guarantees that the products provided without any defects in ownership and intellectual property rights. If the buyer is claimed by any obligees or suffers other losses due to the above-mentioned defects, the seller shall settle the claim and assume all the liabilities for compensation. 售后服务条款详见附件二。 The clauses of after-sale service are stipulated in Attachment 2. 十四、索赔/Claims: (略) 12 在到货以后90天内,如果发现仪表的品质、规范或数量与合同要求不符,买方/买方代理有权根据中华人民**国国家市场监督管理总局(“SAMR”)的商检报告向卖方提出退换货索赔。(保险公司或运输公司责任除外)。所有费用,包括检验费、退货或换货运费、保险费、仓储费和装卸费等,全部由卖方承担。关于品质,卖方保证,在终验后 12月内,由于产品粗制滥造、品质低下或使用劣质材料造成的损失,买方/买方代理有权凭中华人民**国国家市场监督管理总局(“SAMR”)的商检证明,立即书面通知卖方并提出索赔。 Within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at destination, should the quality, the quantity or specification be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent, on the strength of the Inspection Certificate issued by the SAMR, have the right to claim for replacement with new goods; and all the expenses such as inspection charges, extra round-way freights, insurance premium, storage and loading and unloading charges, etc. shall be borne by the Sellers. As regards quality, the Sellers shall guarantee that if, within 12 months from the final check and acceptance Certificate, damages occur in the course of operation by reason of interior quality, bad workmanship or the use of interior materials, the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent shall immediately notify the Sellers in writing and put forward a claim supported by Inspection Certificate issued by SAMR. 商检证书是买方/买方代理索赔的依据。卖方在收到买方/买方代理的索赔后,应于10日内负责修理损坏设备、全部或部分更换商品,按照设备损坏情况折价处理。如果需要,买方可自行修理损坏部件,由卖方负担费用。如果卖方在收到上述买方/买方代理索赔后一个月内没有回应,则上述索赔被认为已被卖方接受。 The Certificate so issued shall be accepted as the base of a claim. The Sellers, in accordance with the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent’s claim within 10 days, shall be responsible for the immediate elimination of the defect(s), complete or partial replacement of the commodity or shall devaluate the commodity according to the state of defect(s). Where necessary, the Buyer shall be at liberty to eliminate the defect(s) themselves at the Sellers’ expenses. If the Sellers fail to answer the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent within one month after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be reckoned as having been accepted by the Sellers. 专利权 卖方应保证,买方在中华人民**国使用该货物或货物的任何一部分时,免受第三方提出的侵犯其专利权、商标权或工业设计权的起诉。 The Supplier shall indemnify the Buyer against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, or industrial design rights arising from use of the Goods or any part thereof in the PRC. (略) 13 十五、不可抗力/Force Majeure: 15.1 如果双方中的任何一方因为不可抗力,如:战争、火灾、台风、洪水、地震等双方共同认为属于不可抗力,且足以引起被迫停止或推迟合同执行的原因,则合同执行相应顺延,顺延的时间等于不可抗力发生作用的时间。 Should either of the two parties be prevented from executing or forced to defer the execution of the Contract due to cases of force majeure such as war, fire, typhoon, flood, earthquake and other cases which can be recognized by Both Parties as cases of force majeure, then the time period for execution of the Contract shall be extended by a period equivalent to the effect of the cases of force majeure. 15.2 受影响的一方应将不可抗力的出现尽快通过电传或传真通知另一方。在不可抗力出现14天内,受影响的一方应提供一份有关权威机构出具的证书并通过快件或挂号信寄至对方以便其检验和确认。 The prevented Party shall inform the other Party by telex or fax as soon as possible of the cases of force majeure occurred. Within 14 days of the occurrence of the cases of force majeure, the prevented Party shall then provide a certificate issued by the competent authority concerned and send it by courier or registered airmail letter to the other Party for examination and confirmation. 15.3 受影响的一方应在不可抗力终止或被排除后尽快通过电传或传真通知另一方,并通过挂号信或特快专递通知对方不可抗力已终结或排除。 The prevented Party shall, upon termination or elimination of the cases of force majeure, inform the other Party by telex or fax as soon as possible of this effect and send to the other Party a registered airmail letter confirming the termination or elimination of the case of force majeure. 15.4 如果不可抗力持续作用超过120天,双方将通过友好协商解决未来的合同执行问题。 Should be effect of cases of force majeure last for more than 120 days, Both Parties shall solve the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly consultations. 十六、迟交货和违约金/Late Delivery and Penalty: 如果由于卖方原因,卖方未按合同规定时间发货,买方/买方代理有权以如下方式要求卖方支付违约金: Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract due to the Sellers’ reason, the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent have right to request the Seller to pay penalty in the following way: (略) 14 从合同约定的交货日起,每延期一天支付合同总价的0.5%(千分之五),违约金总值不超过合同总价的20%(百分之二十)。上述违约金不解除卖方的交货责任,且合同时间表保持不变。 The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5%(five thousands) for a day since the delivery date of the contract. However, the total penalty shall not exceed 20%(twenty percent) of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The obligation of delivery by the Sellers shall not be affected by the above-mentioned penalty, and the Contract time schedules shall remain no change. 如果卖方在合同规定的交货期后十个星期仍未能交货或所交货物不符合合同约定的要求的,则买方/买方代理有权终止本合同,要求卖方返还已支付的全部款项,并支付合同价款的30%违约金。无论本合同终止与否,卖方仍需向买方/买方代理支付上述违约金,并赔偿因此给买方/买方代理造成的直接损失及合理支出,包括仲裁费、保全费、律师费、公证费、差旅费等。 In case the Sellers fail to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, or if the goods delivered do not meet the requirements of the contract, the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent shall have the right to cancel the Contract, the seller is required to return all the money paid and pay a penalty of 30% of the contract price, and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the penalty to the Buyer/the Buyer’s Agent without delay, and indemnify the buyer/buyer's agent for direct losses and reasonable expenses, including arbitration fee, security fee, attorney's fee, notary public fee, travel expenses, etc. 如果在开箱检验中发现漏发货,卖方未按本合同11.4条款中规定的时间补发货物送至用户现场的,从发现之日起,每天支付漏发货物金额的0.5%(千分之五),违约金总值不超过漏货金额的20%(百分之二十)。 If found short delivery in the unpacking inspection, moreover the seller fails to deliver the supplements to the user site according to the stipulated time in Terms 11.4 of the contract, the seller should pay 0.5% (five thousandths) of the amount of the short delivery goods value each day from the date of discovery. The above-mentioned total value of the liquidated damages does not exceed of 20% (twenty percent) the amount of short delivery goods. 十七、仲裁条款/Arbitration: 17.1 所有与合同执行有关的争议将通过双方友好协商解决。如果双方不能通过友好协商解决争议,则将该争议交到仲裁机构仲裁。 (略) 15 All the disputes in connection with and in the execution of the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation between the two Parties. In case there is no way to settle the disputes through friendly consultation such disputes shall be submitted to arbitration. 17.2 仲裁在**进行,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按该委员会的仲裁规则执行。该合同适用中华人民**国法律。 The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and shall be performed by the Arbitration Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Committee. The Contract shall be governed by the laws of P.R.China. 17.3 仲裁裁决为最终结果且对双方均有约束力。任何一方不得向法院或其他机构申请改变仲裁裁决。 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on Both Parties. Neither of the Parties shall be allowed to turn to the court or any other authorities to apply for amending to arbitration award. 17.4 仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party. 17.5 仲裁进行过程中,双方将继续执行本合同未涉仲裁的其他部分。 In the course of arbitration, Both Parties shall continue to execute the Contract except the part of the Contract which is under arbitration. 十八、其它/Others: 18.1 适用法律 Applicable Law 本合同应按照中华人民**国的法律进行解释。 The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the current laws of the People’s Republic of China. 18.2 本合同将于双方全部完成合同规定的责任后终止。 This Contract shall remain effective until Both Parties have fulfilled all their obligations under this Contract. 18.3 在本合同有效期内,任何一方在未经另一方书面认可前,不能将本合同向任何第三方披露。 (略) 16 During the period of effectiveness of the Contract, neither Party shall disclose the contents of this Contract to any third parties, except as authorized by the affected Party in writing. 十九、本合同自叁方授权代表签字后生效。本合同一式肆份,买方贰份、买方代理壹份、卖方壹份。若中英文出现不一致,以中文为准。 This contract shall become effective upon signing by the representatives of three Parties, in Four (4) originals totally. The Buyer keeps two originals, the Buyer’s agent keeps one original and the Seller keeps one original. In case there is a conflict between the Chinese and English versions, Chinese version shall prevail. 二十、 法定地址/Legal Address : 买方:(略) The Buyer: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology 地址:(略) Address: No.40, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing100191,P.R.China 电话 Tel:8610 6230 2365 传真 Fax:8610 6230 2414 联系人 Contact Person:王娜 Wang Na 买方代理:**中关村世纪科贸发展有限公司 The Buyer’s Agent:BEIJING CENTERGATE CENTURY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 地址:**市东**东直门内北小街2号楼1715号 Address: Room 1715, No.2 Building, Beixiaojie, Dongzhimennei, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 电话 Tel:8610-84060960 传真 Fax:8610-84060960 联系人 Contact Person:朱雅楠 Zhu Yanan 卖方/The Seller:Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte. Ltd. 地址/Address:No.1 Yishun Ave 7, Singapore 768923 电话Tel:800-810-0189, 400-810-0189 传真Fax:800-820-2816, 400-820-3863 联系人 Contact Person:张文魁 Zhang Wenkui (略) 17 签 字 页 本页无正文 买方:(略) The Buyer: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology By: 签约人: 日期: 买方代理:**中关村世纪科贸发展有限公司 The Buyer’s Agent:BEIJING CENTERGATE CENTURY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. By: 签约人: 日期: 卖方/The Seller:Keysight Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte. Ltd. By: 签约人: 日期: